
Our Nubians are heavily influnenced by Pruittvilles, Kastdemur's, Goldthwaite, & Saada lines. All babies are caught at birth, hand raised on CAE Prevention, Coccidiosis control, regular wormings and vaccinations! We raise our little girls and guys over 200' away from any adult animals. We have been raising Dairy Goats since 1995 always on CAE prevention from the very Beggining! Our Entire Herd tested CAE negative since 3/01/2007 to present email for latest results Entire herd bucks/does/doelings and pygmy's tested Negative for CAE > results G6S normal as of 12/24/2014 All animals in our herd are tested for G6S with Normal results (which is a genectic disorder,) or descend from tested animals

G6S Results

List of G6S Normal animals here:T=tested P=by parentage Goldthwaite B'Lou Bling N1679963 (PB Buck) T 12/24/2014 Saada Bearly Adonajah N1381044 (PB BUck) T 3/01/2007 Kastdemur's Washed Ashore N1513823   (PB Buck) T 4/25/2012 Stateline B Dbl E Dbl R UN N1537698 (PB BUCK) T 11/27/2013SG Blissberry Show Me Victory N1407292 (PB DOE) T 2/12/2014SG Bryrpatch Star Spangld Liberty N1476025 (PB Doe) T12/24/2014SG Bryrpatch Maybe it was Memphis N1488733 (PB Doe) T 2/12/2014 Bryrpatch BMD Mr. Right (PB Buck ) N1645981 PBryrpatch Calypso of Ogygia (PB DOE ) N1592112 PBryrpatch Give Me Sugar (PB Doe) N1645370 PBryrpatch Passionate Kisses' (PB DOE) N1507274 PLunamojo CB Aurora Blue (PB Doe) N1684159 PBryrpatch Patchouli Pleasure (PB DOE) N1592116 PBryrpatch SLB Victory Lane (PB DOE) N 1645527 PBryrpatch Where there is Hope (PB DOE) N1687871 PBryrpatch Victorian Renaisance (PB DOE) N1705615 PBryrpatch Route 66 (PB DOE) N1705616 PBlissberry Bay Rum onthe Rocks (PB BUCK) N1633681 P  G6S normal by Blood EDTA 3/01/2007 9* M GOLDTHWAITE NICOLETTETVMDL G6S normal by blood EDTA LONESOME DOE'S RED EYE EXPRESS