Our History
Our farm, located in northeast Indiana, is around 40 acres and was purchased in 1995, a few years after my first husband passed. My 3 eldest sons, Daniel, Nathan, and Jessup, and I began settling in. To start we had no electricity, instead living off wood burners, lanterns, a treadle sewing machine, and an outhouse. Before too long, we added two goats and some chickens to our homestead. Soon after, John enter the picture and we got married, but I still remind him that the goats were here first. We started remodeling the house and teaching our son’s practical and farm skills, which they applied as 4-H members as well. In 1997, we had a son, Gage. In 2000 we had a massive house fire, losing everything, which lead to us selling off the goats. However, later that year we were able to begin adding them back. In 2001, we had our only daughter, Francesca. She sparked the making and selling of goat milk soap, as I made it to treat her eczema.Our Workers

I am the head milker and raiser of goats. I make all the products that we sell, as well as designing the labels. I also help with the website, mainly creation and upkeep of the goat pages.

My husband John helps keep everything running, hauling the booth and products to where ever we set up.

Nathan helps manage our baby goats and helps all around the farm. He helps a lot with the technical parts of making the products, like melting the fat and shaking the lotion.

Although she’s off to college at Ball State during the year, Francesca serves as our gardener, chicken wrangler, and baby goat spoiler. She also helps me sell at farmer’s markets and other events.

My sons are all grown and have their own lives, but they visit every so often, and Daniel and Jessup bring my granddaughters around!

Not my daughter, but my niece. She’s my website manager, and booth helper, especially at Applefest.

Two of my sisters and another niece, who help me wrap soap occasionally and come hang out at farmer’s market.

And of course, who can forget the most important worker, our Great Pyrenees who protects our flock! And silently demands pets.